Complaints are managed in a fair and unbiased manner and will be resolved locally wherever possible. Other individuals involved in a written complaint will be informed of the complaint and provided opportunity to present their side on the matter.
A written response to a complaint will be provided by either the Learning Centre’s Program Manager, or Director, within 21 working days of receipt of the complaint.
Where the Learning Centre considers more than 60 calendar days are required to process and finalise your complaint, we will inform you in writing, including reasons why more than 60 calendar days are required, and provide regular updates on progress of the matter.
If the issue cannot be resolved by the Learning Centre, or the person lodging the complaint is not satisfied with the response, they have the option of submitting their complaint using the WMH online complaint system via:
- internal Queensland Health system resources/complaints-portal/
- external Queensland Health system
Unresolved complaint: If a complaint lodged with the Learning Centre, or through WMH, and is not resolved to the satisfaction of the person who lodged the complaint, the option to have the matter addressed by contacting the national regulator, ASQA, via is available.